Arbitration, Construction and Infrastructure, Dispute Resolution, Financial Crime / Sanctions
Arbitration, Construction and Infrastructure, Dispute Resolution, Financial Crime / Sanctions
About Sergejs Dilevka
Sergejs is a Senior Counsel in dispute resolution. He is a dual-qualified lawyer, he is admitted as a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales and admitted to practice as an Attorney and Counselor of Law in the courts of the State of New York. Sergejs has more than 14 years of experience in advising and representing multinational companies and high-net-worth individuals in a wide range of complex institutional (ICC, LCIA, DIFC-LCIA, LMAA, SCC, SCIA, DIAC, GCC CAC) and ad hoc international and domestic arbitration proceedings, and litigation proceedings at DIFC Courts. His experience covers a wide range of industries, sectors, and types of disputes, including commerce, real estate, transportation, energy, construction, and franchise and distribution agreements. Sergejs has practiced at Galadari and Al Tamimi & Company in the MENA region. He brings a wealth of experience by acting, throughout his career, as counsel and arbitrator in multiple international arbitration proceedings relating to international commercial and investment disputes. Sergejs has authored multiple publications offering insights on the trends and developments in international law and international arbitration.
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Dubai Courts Drastically Curtail Recove…
On 5 February 2024, the Dubai Court of Cassation (“DCC”) issued a j…

Dubai Courts Drastically Curtail Recoverability o…
On 5 February 2024, the Dubai Court of Cassation …

The price of Bitcoin, the most well-known cryptocurrency, has skyrocketed over …

The price of Bitcoin, the most well-known cryptoc…

UAE Introduces Changes to the UAE Arbit…
On 16 September 2023, UAE Federal Decree–Law No. 15 of 2023 Amending Cert…

UAE Introduces Changes to the UAE Arbitration Law
On 16 September 2023, UAE Federal Decree–La…

Expedited Procedure Under the ICC Arbit…
During the virtual launch of the Centenary of the International Court of Arbitr…

Expedited Procedure Under the ICC Arbitration Rul…
During the virtual launch of the Centenary of the…

Exploring Common Law Litigation in the …
Over the last 20 years, countries in the Middle East were generally successful …

Exploring Common Law Litigation in the Middle Eas…
Over the last 20 years, countries in the Middle E…

Expedited Proceedings under the DIAC Ar…
According to Annual Report 2022 issued by the Dubai International Arbitration C…

Expedited Proceedings under the DIAC Arbitration …
According to Annual Report 2022 issued by the Dub…
Licensed to Practice in Dubai
Licensed to Practice in the UAE 🇦🇪

Sergejs Dilevka