Ali Hiedar


Practicing Since: 30 Jun 2014
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About Ali Hiedar

I’m Ali Hiedar, an associate at Al Tamimi & Co, specializing in family law, inheritance, probate, wills, and estate planning. With extensive expertise in handling complex legal matters, particularly for high-net-worth individuals and VIP clients, I’ve successfully managed hundreds of cases throughout my career. My practice extends to cross-border matters, jurisdictional disputes, and the enforcement of foreign judgments related to family law, child arrangements, and foreign wills enforcement. Driven by professionalism, I’m committed to delivering top-tier client service and building strong, trusted relationships. I work to ensure that my clients’ personal and financial interests are fully protected while offering tailored solutions in line with the complexities of UAE law. My focus on ethical standards and client satisfaction allows me to resolve intricate legal issues with precision and care.


Central Park Towers Omalat Street, DIFC Dubai Dubai United Arab Emirates



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  • Not Licensed to Practice in Dubai
  • Licensed to Practice in the UAE 🇦🇪

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