Last Updated:
Abid is very knowledgable on commercial laws across the UAE. He provides genuine practical guidance for individuals and companies.
Corporate Governance, Corporate Services, Corporate Structuring, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property, Investment Funds, Labour & Employment, Real Estate
Corporate Governance, Corporate Services, Corporate Structuring, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property, Investment Funds, Labour & Employment, Real Estate
As a Partner at Millath Legal (UAE) and Millath and Associates (India), Abid have handled complex and challenging legal matters related to corporate, law commercial law, and dispute resolution. Abid has successfully represented clients before various legal forums, as well as advised them on various aspects of mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, employment laws, and contracts.
Last Updated:
Abid is very knowledgable on commercial laws across the UAE. He provides genuine practical guidance for individuals and companies.
The regulation of virtual asset service providers (VASPs) and crypto-asset serv…
The regulation of virtual asset service providers…
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has positioned itself as a global leader in fina…
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has positioned its…
Introduction The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has positioned itself as a globa…
Introduction The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ha…
Understanding and complying with UAE cybercrime laws is essential for businesse…
Understanding and complying with UAE cybercrime l…
If you’re living in the UAE as an expat, you may already know the importa…
If you’re living in the UAE as an expat, yo…
The UAE’s legal landscape provides two prominent methods for resolving ci…
The UAE’s legal landscape provides two prom…
Yes, commercial dispute resolutions are enforceable in the UAE, but only if spe…
Yes, commercial dispute resolutions are enforceab…
The UAE’s business-friendly environment makes it a top destination for ex…
The UAE’s business-friendly environment mak…
Managing a company in the UAE carries significant responsibility, not only for …
Managing a company in the UAE carries significant…
In recent years, corporate governance has become a key area of focus for busine…
In recent years, corporate governance has become …
In today's evolving business environment, the concept of vicarious liabilit…
In today's evolving business environment, the…
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is breaking new ground by introducing a regulate…
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is breaking new gr…
Workplace disputes are a common aspect of the employment landscape, and navigat…
Workplace disputes are a common aspect of the emp…
High Profile Examples of Trademark Disputes Company In…
High Profile Examples of Trademark Disputes…
Introduction The landscape of telemarketing in the UAE has been transformed …
Introduction The landscape of telemarketing in…
As the United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues to evolve as a global business hub,…
As the United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues to ev…
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Business in the UAE: Free Zone, Mainland, DM…
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Business in th…
The UAE is known for its commitment to growth and innovation and this commitmen…
The UAE is known for its commitment to growth and…
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has distinguished itself as a global i…
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has dist…
The United Arab Emirates (‘UAE’) is experiencing remarkable growth …
The United Arab Emirates (‘UAE’) is e…
What happens when you do not perform proper due diligence during Mergers and Ac…
What happens when you do not perform proper due d…
Starting a business in the UAE has become easy and fast. However, every startup…
Starting a business in the UAE has become easy an…
What is a Non-Compete clause? A non-compete clause is a provision in an empl…
What is a Non-Compete clause? A non-compete cl…